Exploring Sensory Translation as a Generative Practice for Designing Data Representations

CHI 2022
Virtual Workshop: Friday, April 22
9am to 4pm in New Orleans.
Find your time zone here.
Call for Participation:
What does it mean to taste a timeline, hear a network, or touch a
categorical scale? This workshop engages the phenomena of
synesthesia, when a stimulus in one sensory modality provokes an
experience in another.
We will explore how translating between sensory modalities might support creative technology design
by focusing on the domain of data representation and the method of sketching: How can we sketch
across the senses in order to creatively map data to experience?
We invite researchers, artists, and creative practitioners—especially if you work or play in a
range of sensory modalities: musicians, dancers, athletes, chefs, sculptors—to join us at this
one-day virtual workshop.
To apply, please submit a 2-minute video or 2-4 page paper (excluding references, using
the single-column ACM Template) that addresses one of the following prompts: How do you engage
sketching and related practices (in any sensory modality) in your work? How do you move across
and between the different senses in the work you do? Share a specific data set you are
interested in and some rough ideas for how you might represent it in a range of senses (sight,
sound, taste, etc.)?
Please submit your video or paper via this
Google Form
by February 25th.
Submissions will be selected based on their ability to spark lively discussion, and accepted submissions
will be posted on the workshop website. At least one author of each accepted submission must attend
the workshop. All participants must register for both the workshop and at least one day of the
If you would like more background of our project, please refer to our
a pre-print of our workshop paper.
Contact Us!
Jordan will handle any questions.